Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Our move to Sitka

January 8, 2013
Michael and I have now been here for two and a half months. My first impression as we departed from the Ferry after 4 days was how many cars were driving down the road.We were told it rained alot and the sun never came out. We arrived to a beautiful day with complete sun shine we had brought from California. Haha Our first thought was to arrive at Michael's new employer wearing shorts, flip flops, and T-shirts. We chickened out, too cold!

We have found a nice place to live about 3 blocks from the beach and one block to the forest.The beauty here is beyond your wildest dreams. I can't get enough of it. When we walk in the forest you feel like you are in a fairy tale come to life. 

We have really big Ravens here that are really smart. While walking downtown one day a trash can lid had blown open that had 4 or 5 Ravens fighting for food. Michael walked over and flipped it shut. Those birds followed him all the way to town squawking about how he had taken their lunch away. Did feel a bit uneasy with our new friends following us. LOL

Our latest adventure was the 7.5 earthquake that woke us up out of a dead sleep on Jan. 5, 2013
Michael and I both grew up in California so besides shaking us out of our warm snugly bed at midnight, we are used to be shackin and stirred like a martini. What scared the hell out of us (me) was when we decided it was over and got back into bed for some shuteye and we heard a bunch of cars outside. Then we heard it. The tsunami warning siren was telling us to evacuate and get to high ground. At noon everyday they test the sirens in town and we had gotten used to using it as a time notification. Not any more! They are serious about it! We spent 2 hours up the hill at the elementary school waiting for the all clear which we got at 2am. I must compliment our Police force, Fire Dept and all of the volunteers that made the evacuation very smooth. The school was opened for us to stay warm. Kudos to Sitka for how prepared they are. Thank you!

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