Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Jan 9, 2013 Beautiful Sunny Day!

OK, I have to tell you, old people are hilarious! We have a little old woman across the street from us that if I had to guess is between her late 70's early 80's. She has a few people that stop by each day are do what ever they do for her. I don't know. Wednesday's are our garbage pick up days and they usually hit us about 9am. Today she had to take out her own garbage can to the street. So after she does, she stands out by the street and is trying to flag down the garbage truck that is coming down the street! I am laughing so hard by now, we have seen this act before. She has even walked down the street checking others peoples cans to see if theirs had been picked up. So to top it off she is waving as he drives up to her can and pointing to it like the guy can't see it, as the arm comes out to pick up her can she is clapping and giving him a thumbs up! Michael and I are laughing hysterically by now. When her can is free she pulls it back by her garage, turns to go in her house, sticks her arm all the way into her newspaper box which I know is empty because that is not delivered until after five pm. This is another ritual of hers each day. You can see there is no paper as I have one of the same, but she sticks her entire arm in checking for it like it has disappeared out the other side! This woman gives us pure joy each day as she entertains us sitting us in our window drinking our morning coffee.

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