Thursday, January 24, 2013

Jan 24,2013

So I went and saw Arnold's new movie The Last Stand. He certainly does not disappoint you with saving the day and kicking every one's ass along the way. If you are not squeamish with people very graphically being killed I recommend it. It has a few wow scenes as someone is getting blown to pieces.
The next one I hope to see here in Warm Bodies. That looks hysterical!

We almost saw the sun today! We actually walked up to the fort in town because it gives you the beautiful views with no obstructions. The sun peeked through but not enough for me to strip down and catch a tan for a bit. Maybe tomorrow. For now I just have to be happy that Michael can skip.


  1. I don't know about Michael skipping- this looks more like he's running for dear life. I keep squinting at the picture trying to see the bear behind him. Next time take a video. And post it to You Tube. ;)

  2. hahha nope no Bear, just my big bear skipping. lol
