Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January 22, 2013

Hello all!

Well the sun tried to come out a couple of times today to no avail. Oh well, maybe tomorrow. Yesterday Michael and I took our bows and arrows out to John Browns beach which is out on the Coast Guard complex. Always feels funny driving through the gate but we have a beautiful place to shoot. Didn't take us long to get our grooves back! After shooting for a couple of hours we went and walked on the beach. I want to get some salt water from further out and try to dry it and see what kind of salt we get. Tried making our own cheese for the first time last night. Wow is it a lot of work! It will dry for 5 days then we will seal it in wax for at least 8 weeks. Also got some fresh ricotta out of it that we will eat now. I'll let you know how it is in a few weeks.