Thursday, January 10, 2013

Jan 10, 2012 Snow Day!

Well as you know the weather in Alaska is pretty unpredictable. Yesterday the sun was shining and today we woke up to snow and rain. Oh well, life goes on and we still go out and walk each day. This Eagle was perched in a tree down the street from our house. Threw on my shoes and ran down to take a picture of it.

We were suppose to say goodbye to Jason at his going away BBQ at Harris but he was ill and did not show up. He is moving to the other side of the island to work at a Hatchery. Bit to remote for my taste. His wife will order her groceries from Sea-mart here in Sitka and Harris Air will deliver them once a week. We wish him and his family luck on their new adventure. Michael will be going with him on the ride to get his boat there next week. It will be a four hour ride then Michael will hitch a ride back on the float plane that will be taking Jason's family to their new home. Good luck Jason, you will be missed!

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