Monday, January 28, 2013

Beach or Snow?

I just can't get over that I live at the Ocean now but I am standing in the snow! LMAO! Love it! The best of both worlds here!
Mount Edgecombe is the inactive volcano to the left behind me  and that is the bridge Michael goes over each day to get to work. 


Well Michael and I have waxed our first attempt at making our own cheese. We are storing on the steps down by the front door as it is cooler down there. I'll keep you posted in a couple of months when we break it open. May let it sit longer. Made another one last night. Next we are going to try and make a Parmesan. I am holding it before we waxed it and Michael has it waxed.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Jan 24,2013

So I went and saw Arnold's new movie The Last Stand. He certainly does not disappoint you with saving the day and kicking every one's ass along the way. If you are not squeamish with people very graphically being killed I recommend it. It has a few wow scenes as someone is getting blown to pieces.
The next one I hope to see here in Warm Bodies. That looks hysterical!

We almost saw the sun today! We actually walked up to the fort in town because it gives you the beautiful views with no obstructions. The sun peeked through but not enough for me to strip down and catch a tan for a bit. Maybe tomorrow. For now I just have to be happy that Michael can skip.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January 22, 2013

Hello all!

Well the sun tried to come out a couple of times today to no avail. Oh well, maybe tomorrow. Yesterday Michael and I took our bows and arrows out to John Browns beach which is out on the Coast Guard complex. Always feels funny driving through the gate but we have a beautiful place to shoot. Didn't take us long to get our grooves back! After shooting for a couple of hours we went and walked on the beach. I want to get some salt water from further out and try to dry it and see what kind of salt we get. Tried making our own cheese for the first time last night. Wow is it a lot of work! It will dry for 5 days then we will seal it in wax for at least 8 weeks. Also got some fresh ricotta out of it that we will eat now. I'll let you know how it is in a few weeks.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Jan 16, 2013

Rain, rain and more rain this week. I try not to hole up in the house when it is raining but sometimes just curling up with a book is a nice thing.  Yesterday Michael and I went to lunch at a new Restaurant. Thai/Chinese/Vietnamese & Korean BBQ  Asian Palace. Our meals were good but Michael decided the lunch specials were the way to go. I got corn soup, rice, pud thai noodles and sweet & sour pork. $10.95. It was delicious! Rates up there with Chang Bros in Auburn. I do get tired of seeing commercials for fast foods we don't have. Such a tease. LOL I made my own chicken nuggets today. Much better than McDonalds.

We bought a Queen mattress set for the spare bedroom. Went in to the trailer to look in my chest of china dishes to see if I had packed some extra sheets to put on it and much to our surprise we found 2 more bags of shirts and sweatshirts we thought we had not brought! Now I have to go buy more hangars. lol

For those wondering what our Apartment looks like, here is a photo. We are on the entire top floor with about 1000 square feet. 2 beds one bath. We love the big windows.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Jan 12, 2013

Another beautiful day in Sitka. Michael and I yet again were entertained by our neighbor. Poor little thing could not figure out how to get her gate open this morning. Thought for a minute she was going to climb over it but finally she was successful so she could put her garbage in the can. She did check for a paper on her way in and to our surprise there was one in her box from last night. They only deliver them M-F.

Walked down to Totem Pole park and did a few laps. There were actually waves out in the Ocean! Surfs up!

Went and saw "The Promised Land" the other night. Wonder if Erin Brockovitch  knew they stole her story line? Not my most favorite so far.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Jan 10, 2012 Snow Day!

Well as you know the weather in Alaska is pretty unpredictable. Yesterday the sun was shining and today we woke up to snow and rain. Oh well, life goes on and we still go out and walk each day. This Eagle was perched in a tree down the street from our house. Threw on my shoes and ran down to take a picture of it.

We were suppose to say goodbye to Jason at his going away BBQ at Harris but he was ill and did not show up. He is moving to the other side of the island to work at a Hatchery. Bit to remote for my taste. His wife will order her groceries from Sea-mart here in Sitka and Harris Air will deliver them once a week. We wish him and his family luck on their new adventure. Michael will be going with him on the ride to get his boat there next week. It will be a four hour ride then Michael will hitch a ride back on the float plane that will be taking Jason's family to their new home. Good luck Jason, you will be missed!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Jan 9, 2013 Beautiful Sunny Day!

OK, I have to tell you, old people are hilarious! We have a little old woman across the street from us that if I had to guess is between her late 70's early 80's. She has a few people that stop by each day are do what ever they do for her. I don't know. Wednesday's are our garbage pick up days and they usually hit us about 9am. Today she had to take out her own garbage can to the street. So after she does, she stands out by the street and is trying to flag down the garbage truck that is coming down the street! I am laughing so hard by now, we have seen this act before. She has even walked down the street checking others peoples cans to see if theirs had been picked up. So to top it off she is waving as he drives up to her can and pointing to it like the guy can't see it, as the arm comes out to pick up her can she is clapping and giving him a thumbs up! Michael and I are laughing hysterically by now. When her can is free she pulls it back by her garage, turns to go in her house, sticks her arm all the way into her newspaper box which I know is empty because that is not delivered until after five pm. This is another ritual of hers each day. You can see there is no paper as I have one of the same, but she sticks her entire arm in checking for it like it has disappeared out the other side! This woman gives us pure joy each day as she entertains us sitting us in our window drinking our morning coffee.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Our move to Sitka

January 8, 2013
Michael and I have now been here for two and a half months. My first impression as we departed from the Ferry after 4 days was how many cars were driving down the road.We were told it rained alot and the sun never came out. We arrived to a beautiful day with complete sun shine we had brought from California. Haha Our first thought was to arrive at Michael's new employer wearing shorts, flip flops, and T-shirts. We chickened out, too cold!

We have found a nice place to live about 3 blocks from the beach and one block to the forest.The beauty here is beyond your wildest dreams. I can't get enough of it. When we walk in the forest you feel like you are in a fairy tale come to life. 

We have really big Ravens here that are really smart. While walking downtown one day a trash can lid had blown open that had 4 or 5 Ravens fighting for food. Michael walked over and flipped it shut. Those birds followed him all the way to town squawking about how he had taken their lunch away. Did feel a bit uneasy with our new friends following us. LOL

Our latest adventure was the 7.5 earthquake that woke us up out of a dead sleep on Jan. 5, 2013
Michael and I both grew up in California so besides shaking us out of our warm snugly bed at midnight, we are used to be shackin and stirred like a martini. What scared the hell out of us (me) was when we decided it was over and got back into bed for some shuteye and we heard a bunch of cars outside. Then we heard it. The tsunami warning siren was telling us to evacuate and get to high ground. At noon everyday they test the sirens in town and we had gotten used to using it as a time notification. Not any more! They are serious about it! We spent 2 hours up the hill at the elementary school waiting for the all clear which we got at 2am. I must compliment our Police force, Fire Dept and all of the volunteers that made the evacuation very smooth. The school was opened for us to stay warm. Kudos to Sitka for how prepared they are. Thank you!