Thursday, July 3, 2014

Martha's new camera lens

Had the most amazing day at work, lol, out on the water. I got my new camera lens that is incredible! The weather became nice and it was a beautiful day. Had 2 tours so I was out there a total of 6 hours. Saw our favorite whale Domino that did not fail us with his continued entertainment.He got his name because if you look on the white of his tail he has 4 black dots that make it look like a #4 domino. :) Not sure why he does this tail slap over and over but you can see on some of the photos he has a good amount of barnacles on one side. I know that would bug the hell out of me! haha Saw the cute little sea otters that will rip your face off if given the chance I'm sure. Saw a few Puffins out by Saint Lazaria Island, Eagles by black rock and Harbor seals by middle island. All in all it was a great day out there and I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow! Only one tour for tomorrow,  the 4th of July,  but it only takes one to see something awesome!

Harbor Seals

Cute little Sea Otter

Alaska Airlines leaving town

Eagle at it's nest we visit quite often

Starfish and sea enenamies , no idea how to spell that lol

Seems this eagle is respecting the crosses for those lost at sea

Tufted Puffin

Stellar Sea Lions

Cutie pies! Boys club!

Our whale "Domino"

He was tail slapping 

Over and

Over and 

Over and 

over and 

over and 


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