Friday, July 18, 2014

I'm having way to much fun!

So out working today, had 2 tours to work.The Navigator cruise ship was in port, the sun was shining and it was a beautiful day in the Sound. We made it out to St. Lazaria Island again today, saw some Puffins, Otters, Eagles, Grey whales and hump backs on our tour. There was another small tour boat out today also that seemed to be following us, which they do, I caught a great photo of their boat with someone on the bow while we were watching a humpback and it looked like the guy was standing on the whales tail in one of my shots. Coast Guard Alaska was doing drills maybe from the way they were flying. I know I am bombarding you with posts lately but it has been an awesome week and I can't help but share!

Coast Guard Sitka!

Another way to tour. I want to do this!

Standing on the tail so to speak


Beautiful Puffins

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