Thursday, July 17, 2014

Harbor Seals and Murres

So we had such an exciting day out on tours with the killer whales yesterday but we also saw some other cool things. The harbor seals are pretty darn cute too and out at St. Lazaria island the Murres are building there nests in the cave there. This is a bird sanctuary so everyone is safe. These birds build a nest that is only 2 inches in diameter. Can you imagine sitting on a nest that small? NOT! When they all exit the cave and do a big turn around out over the Ocean it looks really cool .Looks like a bunch of tuxedos flying around! We have Tuftin Puffins out there too but they move so fast they are hard to catch with the camera. I'll keep trying if we get back out there. Another beautiful day in Sitka!
Harbor seals hanging out

Murres on their nests

Uo in the cave

Balancing act on nests

Lots of harbor seals

Just hangin

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