Saturday, July 26, 2014

These are a few of my favorite things!

Thought I'd just throw up a few photos from my past work week on Allen Marine Tours. What a nice job I have huh? We were both off on Monday so we went out by Viskarie Rocks and dropped our long line. Got 2 cod and 2 halibut. Not a bad way to spend your day.
This guy was walking around up in Reboubt bay on one of our tours

One of our cods

Our 13 1/2 lb halibut

Saw a Minkee Whale  one day  Don't see them very often

Had a humpback whale showing off

Saw this on my way to work going over Indian River Bridge

A young eagle came in and landed

Salmon Breakfast!

These are moon jellies

We came upon a group of them on tour yesterday. Must have been thousands of them!

Want to know how we get our groceries in Sitka? Here is your answer. By Barge down Olga Straight.

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