Sunday, June 29, 2014

Michael's King Salmon

As promised here is my next post of the King Salmon Michael caught today. After filleting it up we ended up with 15 pounds of edible salmon! Whoo Hoo! Caught it down in Silver Bay. Most of the day was very pleasant then it rained for awhile. Took it to the cleaning station, which was really gross, but found it to be a female full off eggs! Fish heads and guts every where! LOL  So we did not get skunked today and we are very happy about that. A few more king salmon dinners for the freezer. I like it! I like cutting the tail off at about 6 inches up from the tail and baking it as a roast, Delicious. That is tomorrows dinner. :)
Beautiful Day fishing!

Hello pretty girl!

Man she is heavy! haha

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