Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Kauai Christmas Take 1 2013

Words can not describe the beauty of this place they call Hawaii. We are having such a great time. The house is awesome! We have played on the beach and went on a hike today. Found out some friends from Big Bear are here so we will try and see them before they leave. The weather has been great with some rain but it is so warm, who cares! Tomorrow is Christmas and from our family to yours, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas!
Sunrise at hotel in Lahu'i

Got up early to see the sunrise

Playing with a crab on the beach

State Bird of Kauai

Canyon on our beach drive

Michael stalking a rooster  hahaha

Our beach across the street from the house we are staying at

Pretty  flowers

We hiked about a mile for this view of Hanalea

We made it!

Had to rest before the muddy trek down

Whew, I made it too!

Dona fell, she won for being the muddiest! hahahahahah

This is what my shoes looked like!

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