Monday, December 16, 2013

Beautiful snowy day in Sitka

Had a wild storm the past couple of days but as it leaves town with about 5 inches of snow, it also leaves a beautiful site to see. We walked down town, up to  Castle Hill  in town, then down through Totem National Park. Absolutely beautiful day.
This post is dedicated to our daughter Julie and her future husband Travis that we lost this weekend to cancer. Travis we love you dearly and you will be greatly missed. These beautiful photos are for you! xoxoxoxo
Taken out my dining room window

From Castle Hill with the 3 sisters in the back ground

This is the harbor our boat will live in  #13  our lucky number!

Our bench we sit on in Totem Park, when it's not covered in snow. Hahahaha

A river runs through it

Stream and snow, love it!

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