Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving in Sitka

Well another Thanksgiving has come and gone. The food is all eaten and left overs are made into soup. This Thanksgiving Michael and I are thankful for our friends and family that have followed us this past year on our adventure in Sitka Alaska. Who would have ever thought we would have landed someplace as beautiful as this! Not us certainly! We have enjoyed every minute of our time so far, including the winter! haha

I have now put up the Christmas tree and all the decorations are out. On to the next holiday. This year will be a bit different as we are spending the holidays in Hawaii! Can't wait!

I worked in town for a week until I was let go because I reported to the owner that another employee had stolen $40 out of my wallet. How knew you could get fired for being a victim??!!
So I guess we won't be giving any business to " Work and Rugged Wear or Mountain Miss" here in Sitka!
Getting our cute little 10 pound turkey ready for the oven

Let the feast begin!

I get to eat too!

Snowy Thanksgiving

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear that you lost your job due to getting ripped off!!!! Would think that all the rest of the business where not like that their employees. Merry Christmas to the both of you!!
