Monday, June 2, 2014

Memorial weekend

Memorial Day weekend was upon us and we really wanted to go camping. I have to admit with the bear population around here, we just are not up to tent camping. I see Martha and I in a tent as a "twin pack" of bear snacks.
The weather forecast was pretty good, so we loaded up the boat for our first overnight trip. With a nice V berth and cozy cabin we would be living the high life on the "BelleyAche". (They say it is bad luck to change the name of a boat). We decided to go to Kalinin Bay on the north west end of Kruzof island. Kruzof island is just across the sound from Sitka and is the home of Mt. Edgecumbe, the volcano in many of our pictures. To get there you need to run up through Olga and Neva Straights and out into Salsbury Sound almost to the Pacific to reach Kalinin Bay about 35 miles from Sitka.

We did not make it out the other side of Neva Straight before we met the Alaska State ferry Matanuska coming the other way. This is akin to meeting a semi truck coming the other way on a one lane road. We found a little hole to hide in with another boat from Sitka and watched them pass.

With the straights behind us, it was time to get the trolling gear in the water and see about some dinner! The King Salmon are here in pretty good numbers this time of year. Kings are the top of the Salmon world. The oil content is pretty high, so it just melts in your mouth. Cut a herring plug and sink it down about 100 feet and start trolling your way to your destination.

About 20 minutes later this fine young lady fish decided to join us. She came in at 32 inches and I am guessing about 20 pounds. Not huge by King standards, but still about 9 meals after cleaning.

This guy cam paddling by us in Salsbury Sound way far from any town. He definatly beat us out on the adventure scale.


Taking in some sun while on anchor in Kalinin Bay.

We had plenty of company as the Sitka King Salmon Derby was on and this boat was up here to take in people's fish so that they did not have to run all the way back to town to get them weighed in.

After rowing to shore in the dinghy the mighty Belley Ache looks pretty small!

Nothing better than fresh salmon sashimi and relaxing in your slippers for the evening.

On Monday we hiked the trail to Sealion Cove on the Pacific side of Kruzof Island. The trail is 2.5 miles each way and was developed by many agencies and a local group.

The trail climbs 500 feet is a very short distance so they built stairs out of all kinds of things. My favorite use for them was to sit down and catch my breath!

At the other end of the trail is this beautiful 2 mile long white sand beach. The sand is as fine as powder.

It was a great day to be at a beach. There was a family there and the kids were playing in the surf. While Martha always makes it look colder than it really is, I was not about to get in the water. The temp was in the high 50s and the water is about 50 degrees.

Until the next time I hijack Martha's blog, this beautiful lady and I will be exploring Alaska. Come join us sometime!

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