Sunday, June 22, 2014

Whales in Sitka Sound

Had a couple of fun days at work with Allen Marine. We came upon a Momma Humpback whale and her calf on one of our tours. This little guy, weighing in at about 2,000 pounds was having so much fun, which made for a great photo opportunity for our passengers. He came up and out of the water 4 or 5 times much to our surprise. The boat was cheering each time he breached and his mom just stayed close by and like mothers all do, probably thinking, show off! That's ok with us!  These Humpbacks are truly an amazing thing to watch in their natural environment. I feel so lucky to get to witness this as often as I do. We have decided to name him Allen or if it's a girl Ally. LOL  He will not be fully grown for about 10 years so hopefully we will get to watch his or hers progress through the seasons. Fabulous times here in Sitka! We are loving life!

Nice little raft of Sea Otters just kinkin back

Our whale we call Allen, breaching, or just having fun!

Splash down!

Nice Fluke!

Poking his nose out

His Pectoral Fin

Having fun! Kids will be kids! haha

Another shot of his Pectoral Fin 

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