Friday, May 23, 2014

Beaver Lake

Michael and I went on a 6 miles hike last Sunday. It was a beautiful day so we decided to go out to the Beaver Lake trail at the end of the road. We have done this hike a few times but have never gone all the way to the lake. The waterfall was beautiful and there was lots of water running down the hill. You can walk all around the lake and it's is a really nice trail. We could see the crane they are using not far from the lake at the Blue Lake Dam project. Looked kind of funny out in this beautiful wilderness, then you see a big crane.
The devils club is in full bloom and the salmon berries are starting to have berries on them. One part of the trail had so much water coming down it this winter it damaged part of the trail but you can still get through fine. Beautiful Day to hike! Enjoy!

Devils club plants, it is made into a balm you would use on arthritis and such

Beaver Lake from the top of the trail 

That is a big tree!

Trail damage

At the beginning of the trail, not frozen anymore! 

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