Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Kauai Christmas Take 1 2013

Words can not describe the beauty of this place they call Hawaii. We are having such a great time. The house is awesome! We have played on the beach and went on a hike today. Found out some friends from Big Bear are here so we will try and see them before they leave. The weather has been great with some rain but it is so warm, who cares! Tomorrow is Christmas and from our family to yours, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas!
Sunrise at hotel in Lahu'i

Got up early to see the sunrise

Playing with a crab on the beach

State Bird of Kauai

Canyon on our beach drive

Michael stalking a rooster  hahaha

Our beach across the street from the house we are staying at

Pretty  flowers

We hiked about a mile for this view of Hanalea

We made it!

Had to rest before the muddy trek down

Whew, I made it too!

Dona fell, she won for being the muddiest! hahahahahah

This is what my shoes looked like!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Beautiful snowy day in Sitka

Had a wild storm the past couple of days but as it leaves town with about 5 inches of snow, it also leaves a beautiful site to see. We walked down town, up to  Castle Hill  in town, then down through Totem National Park. Absolutely beautiful day.
This post is dedicated to our daughter Julie and her future husband Travis that we lost this weekend to cancer. Travis we love you dearly and you will be greatly missed. These beautiful photos are for you! xoxoxoxo
Taken out my dining room window

From Castle Hill with the 3 sisters in the back ground

This is the harbor our boat will live in  #13  our lucky number!

Our bench we sit on in Totem Park, when it's not covered in snow. Hahahaha

A river runs through it

Stream and snow, love it!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Up and Over Gavan Trail Head

Wow, woke up Monday to an absolutely beautiful day. Temp was about 36 so we bundled up for the cold and off we went. I just love it when there is just enough snow on the ground and trees that they look decorated for Christmas. This is my favorite time of year. We have shoe studs that go under the sole of our shoes so no worries of me falling on my A-- like I usually do out there! haha
Look, shadows from the sun! haha

Ice crystals on the ground were cool

The 3 Sister Mnts

Winter Wonderland I'm waving, not getting held up. haha

The sun peeking through the forest

This was a small frozen pond . We couldn't figure out where the circles came from but it looked neat.

Mountains from town

Good night Sun shine!

See you tomorrow!

Out on the new jetty watching the sunset

Harris Air Beaver coming in for a landing

Left in the early afternoon so we could be ending out by the Ocean to catch a beautiful sunset. It's dark by 3:30 these days so you have to get up and get moving on nice days to enjoy every ounce of sun you can when it's clear out.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving in Sitka

Well another Thanksgiving has come and gone. The food is all eaten and left overs are made into soup. This Thanksgiving Michael and I are thankful for our friends and family that have followed us this past year on our adventure in Sitka Alaska. Who would have ever thought we would have landed someplace as beautiful as this! Not us certainly! We have enjoyed every minute of our time so far, including the winter! haha

I have now put up the Christmas tree and all the decorations are out. On to the next holiday. This year will be a bit different as we are spending the holidays in Hawaii! Can't wait!

I worked in town for a week until I was let go because I reported to the owner that another employee had stolen $40 out of my wallet. How knew you could get fired for being a victim??!!
So I guess we won't be giving any business to " Work and Rugged Wear or Mountain Miss" here in Sitka!
Getting our cute little 10 pound turkey ready for the oven

Let the feast begin!

I get to eat too!

Snowy Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

1 Year in Sitka!

Wow, time fly's when you are having fun! Hard to believe we have been here a year already! I never thought in my wildest dreams Michael and I would ever live someplace so beautiful. As you have seen over the past year we have done some pretty amazing things and seen even more. I feel so lucky to be on this adventure with the love of my life and my best friend.
It started on a ferry
Thru the inland passage
We hike
We explore
We found Mosquito Coves beauty
We have Volcanoes and bridges
and snowy days
We have beautiful wild life

And cute ones too
We discovered Lake Eva, our favorite remote cabin
But we also travel afar to discover more cabins
Always looking for more
We have gifts from friends far away
and far away family that came to play 

Sitka is our home now and we are no longer called Chicharoo's, we are now called sourdough's as we have been through a winter. We are now residents, we are Alaska! I look forward to the next year and hope you all enjoy the next year of our great adventure!