Friday, February 7, 2014

Swan Lake Ice Skating

So it's Friday night in Sitka, humm, what to do, what to do............ It is 28 degrees but was nice and sunny today. 28 is still cold though. Down the street from us we have Swan Lake that houses lots of ducks, and swans and an occasional Eagle looking for a free meal. During the summer people fish and on occasion pull out their kayaks and take a spin around the lake.  But when it is winter and stays cold consistently for a few days, the lake freezes over and people here break out their ice skates and hockey sticks. There doesn't seem to be a designated person or organization that tests the lake to make sure it is safe to go on. If someone goes out on it and doesn't fall in, must be safe!  I did hear the Fire Dept does go out, if to many people are out on it, to drill and measure to assure it is thick enough to play on. I myself have not been out on it. I don't ice skate, and I'm not a very brave person. haha There is a large set of lights that were set up so if you want to skate at night you can. Looks like a fun time is had by all ! 
Swan Lake in the summer

Looks like a beach in the distance

Then you get closer

and realize

they are ice skating!

The swim step is funny

Nice light for night skating

Some were good, some not so much  haha

This dog was a bit confused

He got into it though

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