Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Shrimp Pots Take 2

So I guess we have some learning to do on this whole shrimp pot sport. Not sure if it's actually a sport but the fact that no shrimp have decided to crawl into our pots, where we have left them a scrumptious meal of salmon cat food mixed with cut up herring, is not very sporting of them. Haha We did however have a couple of starfish and one small crab decided they liked the smell and climbed right in, then couldn't get out. We decided to drop 2 pots on Super bowl Sunday and since the marina had defrosted today, we went and fetched them. They also were empty except for a star fish, but it's nice to have all pots in before it snows again. It is so awesome to get up in the morning, go for a nice walk through Totem park, see that the marina is not an ice skating rink, hop on the boat,
go fetch your pots and be back home by noonish to make lunch before Michael has to go to work. Someone asked my sister, why did your sister move to Alaska? I told her to give him my blog address. Duh......................

So the shrimp pots will rest for a couple of weeks and then we will try again. Have been getting some advice from other anglers so maybe we will have better luck next time. Still a beautiful day in Sitka! Can't complain about that!

Frozen in the Marina!

To thin to ice skate. haha

scooting slowly through it

Cubes of ice sitting on top as we go through it

First pot- Sun star, star fish

Dumped it out on the engine cover,  Bottoms up! uh ugly!

This one not so ugly, still weird looking though!

Our itsy bitsy crab

Love, love, love the electric pot puller ! Oh and the cute guy too !

No shrimp, but look how cute I look!

Heading home

This was stuck on the star fish. Empty. Came home for my shell collection.

I just can't get enough of this place ! Even better with a boat !

Hummm, why do we love living here ? Gee, I don't know.............Duh..............

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