Monday, February 24, 2014

Silver Bay and more on the Boat

I'll warn you up front that Martha has delegated the creation of this post to me, Michael, her husband.
Today was a bright, sunny, cold day. We took our boat, the "Belley Ache" out to see some of the southern shoreline of Sitka Sound. We headed out for Silver Bay first. As we approached the Medvejie hatchery we came into a wind that was steering the boat for me. Since we had other more protected places on the agenda today we came about and headed back to the sound. A quick detour to us to Camp Coogan Bay to see the float houses. We next pulled into Samsing Cove to check out the Forest Service cabin there. We tied up to the moaring buoy at the cabin and enjoyed a nice lunch. We will make a weekend trip to this cabin once we acquire an inflatable dinghy to get to shore. After lunch and some casting practice (sounds better than no fish), we set off for Deep Inlet. At the back of the inlet we saw another hatchery. On the way back out we stopped to see how close we could get to some deer on shore. We also passed some otters that could care less when we passed 20 feet from them at 25 knots, but dove and hid when we approached them at idle! It was a great day on the water.
We thought we would take our snow with us!

Silver Bay

Fish processor

This cave is at the entrance to the bay. Martha asked if a bear lived in there. Only if he has SCUBA gear.

Silver Bay

This is where the old pulp mill was. The city thinks they are going to attract manufacturing here.

Camp Coogan Bay float houses

I got tired of the snow, so it had to go!

Mt. Edgecumb

Samsing Cove cabin

Nice spot for lunch

This scenery never gets old


More deer

They could care less that we were there

Heading home

Home sweet home

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous pictures, as always. It was fun to hear Michael's "voice" too- sounds like you guys are enjoying your boat. Belley Ache. Ha.
