Monday, October 28, 2013

Indian River Waterfall

Michael was off today and since we went and saw Bad Grandpa at the movies yesterday, which was hilarious! We are still laughing!  We decided to get an earlier start to our day and go hike to the water falls up Indian River trail. Jo had gone part way with us when she was here but we decided to go do the whole hike. 4.7 each way although Michaels app said we did 12 total.It did kind of feel like it though. haha  It is a nice easy hike for the most part but we hit some wet spots that were a bit slippery. I slipped and fell 3 times while Michael slipped only once. I win! haha We are both pretty tired and sore tonight but I am always so proud of myself when I make it all the way! Rum shots fix anything though. haha
Up river

Saw no bears but we saw this. Michael loves to follow bear trails!

Made him turn around in the middle

I think he would have crawled across if he could have  Hahahahhaha! Anyone mention I don't do heights?

Pretty river

little waterfall

Whew, made it across!

So happy that I made it to the falls, I had to hug a baby tree!

Do I look like I'm having fun? I was so tired I was not. LOL

Resting before we have to beat night fall back

We went all the way!

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