Saturday, November 2, 2013

New Walkway

Sitka put in a new walkway this summer so when the cruise ships come to town the tourists can get off the boat and walk down through town, then go all the way to Totem Park easily and safely. It was not completed before the last ship came in but it is now and we will enjoy it all winter and into the next tourist season. My friend Terry sent me a really cute sippy cup that looks like a wine glass,The company she sent it from is having a photo contest if you bought one of their cups. You had to have their logo in the picture at a winery, but since we do not have wineries, I took mine down to the new walkway and included it in my beautiful day. This path will be awesome next year when all of our visitors come. A beautiful job was done by all that constructed it.
This keeps you off the street

You can now walk out to the end of the Jetty

My new sippy cup! Thank you Terry!

Oh and it was a beautiful day!

Me and my shadow! haha and my sippy cup!

Love love love it here ! My cup loved going for a walk! haha

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