Thursday, April 9, 2015

Fishing on Easter weekend is good!

Monday we decided to go try our luck at some skate fishing. This is where we can put out a line that has 15 hooks on it. We baited them up with squid and down they went. You have to leave this line down for awhile so we went over and headed into Redoubt Bay. Michael actually was lucky enough to watch a whale breach! I missed it but I'm glad he got to see it. No picture though, sorry. lol We went from there up to Goddard where the city cabin is and the Goddard hot springs. What a beautiful area it is. A float plane landed to drop off a client at the hot springs.

We headed back a few hours later to our pull up our line. 1-2-3-4-5-6 halibut came up on our hooks! What an awesome feeling to go out catching as compared to fishing! hahaha  2 cod also took the bait and man was that delicious that night as the fish in our fish & chips dinner. Great day in Sitka Sound!
Heading into Redoubt Bay

Wouldn't you love to live here? Me too!

This is the City cabin that you can rent and is across from the hot springs

Hot springs bath house. I hear sometimes you have to share with naked fishermen! hahahaha

You get to the springs by boat or float plane. 10 min ride from Sitka

See the rainbow coming down to the water?

Biggest was 40 lbs, next 25 and the small ones we guessed may 10 and the 2 cod at the end

Thanks for a good day Belley Ache!

Proud Fisherman ! Now to clean them all!

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