Monday, October 28, 2013

Indian River Waterfall

Michael was off today and since we went and saw Bad Grandpa at the movies yesterday, which was hilarious! We are still laughing!  We decided to get an earlier start to our day and go hike to the water falls up Indian River trail. Jo had gone part way with us when she was here but we decided to go do the whole hike. 4.7 each way although Michaels app said we did 12 total.It did kind of feel like it though. haha  It is a nice easy hike for the most part but we hit some wet spots that were a bit slippery. I slipped and fell 3 times while Michael slipped only once. I win! haha We are both pretty tired and sore tonight but I am always so proud of myself when I make it all the way! Rum shots fix anything though. haha
Up river

Saw no bears but we saw this. Michael loves to follow bear trails!

Made him turn around in the middle

I think he would have crawled across if he could have  Hahahahhaha! Anyone mention I don't do heights?

Pretty river

little waterfall

Whew, made it across!

So happy that I made it to the falls, I had to hug a baby tree!

Do I look like I'm having fun? I was so tired I was not. LOL

Resting before we have to beat night fall back

We went all the way!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Alaska Day Festival 2013

Alaska, the vast domain of sea and mountain, polar bear, brown bear,Walrus, whales and fish. The northern lights that shine in the sky above and scenery that defies description. A land of hardy, brave and industrious people. This is our home. We love it.
Early explorations placed it in possession of Russia until purchased by the US on October 18, 1867. A price of $7,200,000.00  was figured to be about 2 cents per acre. Quite a deal for such a desolate and out of the way terrain, but it all seemed to work out!
Every year on Oct. 18 Sitka celebrates Alaska Day with lots of fun things to do for about a week before. Folks wear clothes from the period and the entire pageant is policed by "Keystone Cops" which is a young lady's group enforcing the Mayors resolution that all males must have a beard. Alaska Days is highlighted annually by a re-enactment of the official transferring of Alaska to the US . It is held atop Castle Hill here in Sitka which is where the original signing of transfer took place. The parade is the highlight of the day and it did not disappoint.It rained the entire time, but hey it's Sitka, it rains. Hahaa
Restored fire engine

Coast Guard

Add caption

Keystone Cops

Everyone showed up to be in the parade!

Fire rope entertainer

Seattle Firefighter Bag Pipe players

They were awesome!

The end!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Kayak Races

Alaska Days festivities has officially started today! The festival runs through the 19th with tons of activities for the young and older. I started it off going down our street to Swan Lake to catch the oh so exciting kayak race. There were 4 categories. Adult, high school, middle school and elementary. Of course the adults won but when you only have 5 boats racing seems like the adults can run away with it. Lasted about 15 minutes but was fun to watch. I bought my festival pin to wear because apparently if you're not wearing one folks can pinch you. Haha  wait till Michael gets home!
Beautiful start to the day

And their off!

The leaders

1st & 2nd place

she was cute 3rd place

4th place

And bringing in the rear. haha

Festival police

I bought my pin from her so I won't get pinched, unless I want to be! hahahaha

Sunday, October 6, 2013


What a more spectacular view while doing dishes than this! Actually the camera doesn't do the colors justice. Neighbors actually came out of their homes to take pictures as did I.
I was doing dishes when I saw this. Michael ran out with the camera.

It's a double!

If only I could move those darnn  power lines!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Running of the Boots 2013

The 6th annual Running of the Boots in Sitka is to say goodbye and thank you to all of the visitors that have come over the summer via cruise ships, Ferry's,and or airplanes. All of the towns folk dress up in funny costumes and we all run, sort of around the block. Prizes are given for the fastest boot, (not me) , the craziest outfit, (not me), best family outfit, (not me) , and some other categories, also (not me) . I was also not the winner of the slowest boot! A woman with 2 small children got that one and even when they were calling her number as the winner it took her a few minutes to make it to the stage. Sitka food, the chamber of commerce, and the cruise lines put out a free bbq for anyone that would like to come. Hamburgers, hot dogs and rock fish were served. There was music to enjoy and most of the shops were open for business with some good sales to be had. All in all it was a fun day! Thinking of my costume for next year already!