Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Provolone Cheese

So we have been making cheese for a few months now and really enjoying it. Have broken into some and so far all we have tasted has been quite tasty if I don't say so myself. LOL
Michael has been away working so I decided to tackle one of our nemesis cheeses.....Provolone.
If you remember the first time we made it, it takes a few hours. So you get bored and anxious and first there is one beer and a glass of wine to pass the time, then the next thing you know your temperature has gone up to 136 instead of 102-105. OOPS  It didn't stretch and do what it was suppose to, but we finished it off, brined it and aged it. We have since then eaten it all and it was quit good. Today I was very diligent in watching my temps and times, no wine or beer , duh, I started at 10am. Still it did not do like it should have. I am sure it to will be quite delicious when we decide to eat it but would still like to have one do what the recipe says. Oh well. What is does do, all the time, every time, it makes a lot of dirty dishes. As we do not have a dishwasher I wash it all by hand. If you notice by my stacking job, it is all in the cutting board resting on the side of the drain tray. lol  With that sucker I can almost stack dishes up to the ceiling, if strategically washed in the correct order for stacking. It's quite a science you know.hahahha
 And now with a glass of wine in hand I bid you good night and sweet dreams.
Cheese is now resting comfortably in it's brine for the night....................

1 comment:

  1. I think you've had that orange-ish colander since I was born...
