Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Just another beautiful day in Sitka

We had a beautiful day on Sunday . Hiked up Gaven Trail and across to Totem park. Wondered around town for a bit and decided to go down the road and see if more of the gates were open up Harbor Mountain Road. To our delight they were! I loved looking at all that has bloomed in the past few weeks. I can not name all of the flowers I saw but I'm sure some of you will know. The views were amazing up there !
This in in our front yard

Albino slug , usually they are yellow and black


At the river on the cross trail

Dew on the leaves

Close to the top of Harbor Mtn

I stood on a picnic table to take this one. lol

This is in our yard, I am told it is a hummingbird Moth. Never heard of it before. 

Work it baby work it!

This was going up a flight of stairs in town

Kissing Ravens!

This is a tree downtown

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