Thursday, May 2, 2013

Just cruising around 2/28/2013

Went out for a bike ride.  Had just left the house and was down by Swan Lake. All of a sudden something was going very wrong. Took me a couple of seconds to figure out what it was. Next thing I know I am falling down a small hill next to the lake. In my mind I was still thinking what in the world is going on? Michael was behind me and his first thought was, did I just watch Martha have a heart attack and die? Nope, before I could realize that my shoelace was stuck in the spokes, it had wrapped so tight it actually pulled me over. After a few tears and Michael having to pull me up and we were back on our way to a 4 mile ride. We did have a nice man that was walking by asked if we were ok. Only my pride was broken, but luckily nothing else. A few bruises and sore muscles but I'm ok. LOL I will ride again!

There is an Eagle in the tree. Looked like they were seeing how close to it they could get.

Eagle hanging out in a tree across from us. I swear they pick the smallest branch to land on!

Woke up to this on Sunday, bike ride was Monday. Much different.

Just hanging out soaking up the sun

Stopped at the beach on our bike ride. Yes it was cold. LOL

Snow capped mountains still

Beaver Lake Trail Small opening in the rock to go through. You have to duck down inside

Beaver Lake Trail

Water coming down from Beaver Lake

Beaver Lake Trail

Can you picture a home here?

View of a lot we saw fore sale

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