Thursday, March 28, 2013

Sidewalk Sweeper

Ok, I saw something today that I can say I have never seen before my entire life. A sidewalk sweeper! I could see the cloud of dust coming my way so I quickly closed my front window. At this point I could not see it due to a house, bushes, etc.... It came closer and more dust rose into the sky. Oh no, I thought to myself.Could it be a sandstorm this far inland????? No! It's the sidewalk sweeper!

My only suggestion I could give the city for further consideration would be to have the sidewalk sweeper go around town first and then the street sweeper. Why you ask?  Simply because all of the dirt and gravel(we have a lot of gravel everywhere) the street sweeper picked up this morning has now been replaced with dirt and gravel the sidewalk sweeper has pushed off the sidewalks and into the street. LOL  Job security?  I want this job!

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps the sidewalk and street sweepers are buddies? Haha! Street and sidewalk sweeping may look easy with the mechanical street sweepers, but these are not the most exciting work to do. But someone has to do it.
    Rudy Swanson @ Haaker Equipment Company\
