Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Mosquito Cove Take 2

We went back out to Mosquito Cove yesterday to actually see it. We had gone last week if you saw that post and I ended up chasing a couple of whales that swam away from me as I was eagerly running to get that better picture. LOL It was a beautiful sunny day and we ventured out with just our sweatshirts on. We're tough right? Not! We were freezing! Especially in the shade which so much of the trails are in because of all the trees. Stopped at the store and got some lunch and went and sat on the beach in the sun on a freezing rock. It was awesome!
Michael thought this design in the sand looked like celery

Michael climbing up the root of a tree

Made it! It was across the trail

Mosquito Cove

Can you see the small starfish?

The seaweed up on shore was frozen

This bridge is actually a fallen tree. Cool huh?

I took this last night from our back porch.
Went to the Junk Trunk today and found a bowl for our cheese making for fifty cents! We now have 6 wheels aging down on our steps. We are looking for a cheap small refrigerator so we can age it all at the ideal temp.

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