Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hidden Falls

Michael had the opportunity to ride with John a pilot at his work to the other side of the island to Hidden Falls which is a hatchery over there that has absolutely nothing there but the hatchery and some housing for the employees. His friend Jason whom he got to work with for just a short time recently moved there to upkeep there machinery. There is no store, no park, no school. Nothing. Oh they have bears. lol

Up and over!

Yep they were that close!



Pulling into dock

View from their house

Grocery day!

Their house is up there in the trees. 3 houses in cluster.

Hi I'm here and I don't have your groceries! LOL

I myself could not do it. They order their groceries online from SeaMart who packs it all in boxes and delivers the boxes to Harris Air. Harris make a trip over once a week with their supplies. No thank you! Hahaa 
Michael got these beautiful photos of his trip over there and back and enjoyed seeing Jason and his family. There are hot springs over there and a cabin you can rent from the forest service we will do sometime.

Sidewalk Sweeper

Ok, I saw something today that I can say I have never seen before my entire life. A sidewalk sweeper! I could see the cloud of dust coming my way so I quickly closed my front window. At this point I could not see it due to a house, bushes, etc.... It came closer and more dust rose into the sky. Oh no, I thought to myself.Could it be a sandstorm this far inland????? No! It's the sidewalk sweeper!

My only suggestion I could give the city for further consideration would be to have the sidewalk sweeper go around town first and then the street sweeper. Why you ask?  Simply because all of the dirt and gravel(we have a lot of gravel everywhere) the street sweeper picked up this morning has now been replaced with dirt and gravel the sidewalk sweeper has pushed off the sidewalks and into the street. LOL  Job security?  I want this job!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Herring Run

Well they did the first run of the Herrings today.
Crazy Seagulls!

Spotter Plane

Thought this was just pretty. lol

Michael's work

The seagulls were leading this boat in

Michael's Lighthouse
  Unfortunately they were not very close in town but I did my best to get you some shots of just how many boats were out there. It was a beautiful day. I think I actually got sunburned! LOL Figure I walked about 10 miles today! If you look close at the photos you can see the spotter planes they send up to look where the fish are. This place just keeps getting better!

Sitka from Whale watching boat

So because the whale watching excursion was a fundraiser they had no control over the weather, and it was colder than a witches tit!Which is really cold! LOL

Our University

Coming into dock

Ready for the Herring
We did have a great time and look forward to going out again when the weather is nicer. Now we are watching for the Herring season to open. We have boats from every where including the Maverick from deadliest catch. They check the fish daily and fishermen are on 2 hour notice right now. Hopefully they will be in Sitka Sound so we can watch the carnival. We hear it is quite a show.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Whale Watching Sitka

Went yesterday out on a Whale watching boat trip. It was a fundraiser here in town. They served us a fabulous buffet that was made by local folks. Meat and cheeses, different quiche, vegs, and of course sweets. I do have to say it was the coldest I have been in a long time. Inside was nice and cozy but if you wanted out on deck to take pictures it was COLD! Had a great time though. Amazing!