Monday, May 25, 2015

Happy Memorial Day 2015

Thank you to all of the men and women that have served for our Country! You truly are remarkable and we appreciate all that you do.

Michael and I took ole Belley Ache up Olga straight, through Salisbury Sound up to the Piper Island Forest service cabin. We left Friday night and left our beautiful sunny day in Sitka to end up in fog, choppy water and wind. Ugh..... Luckily they had replaced the mooring buoy at the cabin, so after much maneuvering and bringing down the zodiac boat Michael was able to get us securely tied up so we were able to sleep without worrying about the boat leaving without us.  lol

Did a bit of fishing and got skunked except for about 12 small Flounder that we sent back swimming. Putting around we got to see a Brown Bear. Seemed funny to us that a couple of Geese were walking right by him and he did not seem to care. Saw a small raft of Sea Otters and got to witness an Eagle swoop down on a fish that was an easy meal. Came home to enjoy the sunny day here in Sitka. We had such a nice time and as always we enjoy all of the wonderful things we get to do in this beautiful place we live.
Belley Ache on the mooring buoy at Piper Island

It was suppose to be crab in there!

Our friend on the beach   Glad I was in the boat!


Little Otter watching us

Our view from the front door of the cabin

Cabin was smaller than we thought it would be

Beach front at cabin

Still there in the morning! 



trying to hold on to it

Yay dinner!

Got it!

Up up and away!

Man is that heavy!

Must ...get....lift.......

Well I guess I can get it to shore at only 5 feet up!

Just kickin it 

Passing the Ferry on the way home. No we did not go under

Or we would have ended up on ship wreck beach

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