Wednesday, May 6, 2015

2015 Season is under way!

The summer season is upon us and we just had our first cruise ships in. I am working at the Alaska Raptor Center this summer and having a blast! What a nice bunch of people and the birds are beautiful. I love when the visitors come because anyone that knows me knows I love to talk to people. We have had a few days of wonderful weather which makes it that much better.
We went out on the boat and put our skate line down Sunday and got skunked. :(  Put a couple of crab pots out so we will see how those do in a few days.
We have our garden in the living room up and growing. Tomatoes, jalapenos, basil and cilantro. I love this time of year! Sitka is going to be sending water to California this year. Who would have thought, but I am glad we can help.
So here are a few photos I took at my new job. I hope you enjoy them as must as I did taking them. Welcome to summer !

Injured Eagle being looked at by our vet

Checking for breaks

Visitors can watch through the clinic window

Tootsie is a Northern Saw-Whet Owl, she weighs 4.1 oz

These Eagles are in the Flight Training Center and the hope is for them to be released back into the wild

They have plenty of room to fly

Volta is the star of our show

Jenn and Volta practicing

2 permanent residence Eagles with wing injuries so they can't fly

Our Golden Eagle

Gandalf-Great Horned Owl Came to the center in 1992 with a gun shot wound :(

Karma-Swainson's Hawk

Gift shop is almost ready!

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