Sunday, September 6, 2015

Dad's 70th Birthday

Headed up to Wasilla for a few days to celebrate my father in law Miles' birthday. Took him on a Jet boat tour with Mahay's in Talkeetna. Went up the Susitna, Talkeetna and Chulitna Gorge rivers. It was a beautiful day on the rivers and the boat was comfortable and cozy. We saw lots of Eagles along the way and a black bear heading to shore. Took a short hike on shore to see some old trapping camps and had some fun playing with all the antlers. Did a bit of shopping in Talkeetna and had a burger at our favorite bar in town.

The colors of fall were starting to come alive so we took a day and drove up to see the Matinuska glacier. A chill was in the air but the colors of the trees leading up to the glacier were amazing.

Trip north wouldn't be complete without a trip to the State Fair. Michael and Miles always enjoy a couple dozen oysters and Kathy and I had jalapeno cheese hot dogs and of course a beer to wash it all down.

Michael helped dad with a few chores around the property and we had a nice visit. Got to see the super moon one night and it was spectacular! Had a great visit and fun helping Miles celebrate his birthday!
Hangin with his PoP

Our ride for 3 1/2 hours

Heading up Susitna River

Our interpreter Jennifer. I like her gun! 

Playing with the Moose antlers

Me and my honey

More antler fun

Food storage at a camp--I wanted to climb the ladder! 

Young Eagle taking off

Fly by!

Black bear swimming across the river to shore

What are you looking at? LOL

Off I go!

Super moon at Miles place- it was about midnight when I got this shot

On our way to Matinuska Glacier

Old bridge over the Knick river on the Old Glen Hwy with Kathy

See I was there too!

This was the view from the bridge

The lookout at the Matinuska Glacier

The Canyon the other direction

I love the colors

Up close of the glacier

I never heard of ice worms before!

The colors were stunning

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