Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Party's Over !

Well another great season has ended once again here in Sitka. The last cruise ships, came, spent and went on their way. I had a great time working at the Alaska Raptor Center in the gift shop and hope I did a good job making good money to feed the birds that are rehabilitating at the center. I love visiting with people from different place around the world and this summer was filled with folks from Australia, CA, Texas, New Zealand and everywhere in between. It was awesome! I worked with a great group of people. I will truly miss Andrea that has left Sitka for her next adventure. Debbie our Director is retiring but Pete has been hired to replace her and just from working with him for a short time he will fit right in to our zaanie group. I look forward to my winters off but hope to be called in to help out with fundraisers and anything else they may need help with. Looking forward to working there next year and if you are coming for a visit to Sitka the Alaska Raptor Center is a must see. The work they do is amazing and the rewards are even more.
Could always count on John Bruce to vacuum. lol

Luciano loves to vacuum.....not!

Debbie couldn't believe Ange flipped me off...it's how we roll! hahaha

Pete our new director. Of course I'm working!

Caitlin getting ready for the day

Ariel bringing Tootsie out for the day

Carlene pretending she does't like having her picture taken

Robert and Volta doing one of the last presentations on stage. Can you guess who is who? LOL

Sunset taking a bath

Shake it shake it baby!

Oh that feels so good!

All clean and shiny  :)

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Dad's 70th Birthday

Headed up to Wasilla for a few days to celebrate my father in law Miles' birthday. Took him on a Jet boat tour with Mahay's in Talkeetna. Went up the Susitna, Talkeetna and Chulitna Gorge rivers. It was a beautiful day on the rivers and the boat was comfortable and cozy. We saw lots of Eagles along the way and a black bear heading to shore. Took a short hike on shore to see some old trapping camps and had some fun playing with all the antlers. Did a bit of shopping in Talkeetna and had a burger at our favorite bar in town.

The colors of fall were starting to come alive so we took a day and drove up to see the Matinuska glacier. A chill was in the air but the colors of the trees leading up to the glacier were amazing.

Trip north wouldn't be complete without a trip to the State Fair. Michael and Miles always enjoy a couple dozen oysters and Kathy and I had jalapeno cheese hot dogs and of course a beer to wash it all down.

Michael helped dad with a few chores around the property and we had a nice visit. Got to see the super moon one night and it was spectacular! Had a great visit and fun helping Miles celebrate his birthday!
Hangin with his PoP

Our ride for 3 1/2 hours

Heading up Susitna River

Our interpreter Jennifer. I like her gun! 

Playing with the Moose antlers

Me and my honey

More antler fun

Food storage at a camp--I wanted to climb the ladder! 

Young Eagle taking off

Fly by!

Black bear swimming across the river to shore

What are you looking at? LOL

Off I go!

Super moon at Miles place- it was about midnight when I got this shot

On our way to Matinuska Glacier

Old bridge over the Knick river on the Old Glen Hwy with Kathy

See I was there too!

This was the view from the bridge

The lookout at the Matinuska Glacier

The Canyon the other direction

I love the colors

Up close of the glacier

I never heard of ice worms before!

The colors were stunning