So we have the boat now, so in order to save yourselves lots of money at the sea food store you rig up shrimp pots and go out and set them any where from 250 to 400 feet out in the Ocean. First you have to get the ropes and pots all set to be dropped into the abyss of the ocean. I have
kind of learned how to make "eye loop rope ends" as my sore fingers will contest to. This is not an easy task I found out, and they may not look like the YouTube video I watched over and over, but I guaranteed Michael they will
not come apart. LOL
We set ours with bait, cans of friskies cat food. Salmon flavor, yummy! We set one by "G" island which is not real far from our marina by Mosquito Cove and the other further into The Mosquito Cove area. We set them on Saturday before Michael had to go to work. So now you just let them sit. We went back on Sunday to retrieve all of our shrimp. It was like Christmas, what will be in our pot? We get to our first pot and Michael starts pulling up the pot, by hand....... He pulls in the rope and I am on the other side of the boat neatly, haha wrapping it back into it's bin for next time. Up, up,up comes the pot. 400 feet of rope being pulled from the shrimp refrigerator we call the Ocean. Finally you can see the pot! Our eyes ready to feast on our bounty of shrimp from below! Up, up, up and over the side of the boat..............Not one darn shrimp in our pot! On to the next pot. Up, up, up comes the rope, over the side of the boat............Nothin...............We reset one pot across from where we set the other one, as there were other buoys, so we thought maybe we would have better luck. Nothin............
We left a pot down for a couple of hours while we went and checked out Nakwasina Sound. I had packed a picnic lunch and it was a beautiful day. The water in the sound was like glass. Halick Island is in the Nakwasina Sound and there is a Forest service cabin you can rent. $45 per night. We'll be reserving that one sometime. Oh yea, when we went back to the pot later, yea, nothin again except for a small eel of some kind that we threw back. Haha
Came across a school of Whales on our way back and enjoyed seeing a bunch of Sea Lions piled onto a Buoy back in Sitka
Sound. Beautiful day, wonderful first time trying for shrimp. We may
have gotten skunked this time, but don't worry, we will try again! And it's only January! Oh and by the way, we have an electric pot puller on it's way! Hahaa
You know what "BOAT" stands for right?
Thousand So true!
Getting ready to throw out our first shrimp pots |
Out it goes |
This is good, when your buoy is still above water after dropping your pot so you can go back and find it |
This is Seamart, where I grocery shop They need a dock for take out! |
Coming in to our marina, Crescent harbor |
Crescent Harbor |
Nothin............. |
Coming into Nakwasina Sound Looked more like a Lake |
Sorry, not such a good photo but you can see my orange rubber pants! Which keep me dry! |
The eel |
Whale watching! |
Whale tail |
Sun bathing |
It's a party out here! The splash on the left is one bailing as we go by |