Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Haterchy Tour

Had a fun time riding down to the Medvejie Hatchery on an Allen Marine boat for a fun 3 1/2 hour tour and lunch, This hatchery is one of the most successful hatcheries in Alaska because of two reasons. Low impact: Hatchery salmon can be harvested in Sitka Sound without impacting wild salmon stocks. #2 Pure water: Our water source is outstanding for incubation that flows through rock and gravel that acts as a natural, organic filter. They gave us an informative tour and after the tour they served us a wonderful lunch. They cooked fresh salmon over an open fire and served salmon, salad, baked potatoes, rolls and watermelon. For $15 a person it was quite a deal. The boat ride took about 1/2 hour so Mom got to see Sitka from the water. 
Coming up to the haterchy

Different stages of developement

Incubation room, all those trays were full of fish eggs

Feeding time, those are all little fish scrambling for food

Pallets of fish food, first ingredient was chicken meal. Funny

Fish jumping

Was really hard to catch them in the air!

Got one!lol

they served us a wonderful lunch. They cooked fresh salmon over an open fire and served salmon, salad, baked potatoes, rolls and watermelon. For $15 a person it was quite a deal. The boat ride took about 1/2 hour so Mom got to see Sitka from the water.

Baranof Lake Cabin

Had Harris Air fly us in the Beaver Saturday to spend the weekend at Baranof cabin. We had never been to this one, got a bit spoiled with Lake Eva. LOL It was very enjoyable. Nice sandy beach to relax on and if the water had been warmer a nice place to swim. Michael and Jo both caught rainbow trouts. Michael released his and after tasting Jo's for dinner that nigh wished he had not. lol Delicious. We took the boat down to the end of the 2 1/2 mile lake and walked to the Baranof hot springs. Man were they hot! The trail was very rustic to get to the springs but once you got there it was beautiful! Walked down to the little town and Michael walked out on the dock, cast his line out and first cast caught a nice pink Salmon. Had that for dinner also that night. You can't imagine how good fresh fish tastes never being frozen. Awesome! We had a wonderful time at the Lake and will be going back. Did notice the cabin is very dark and we will take a lantern with us next time. No bears sited on this trip.
Paul Bunion at work!

Left on the beach alone, this is my bear whistle! lol

Mom and Michael fishing

Jo's trout

Hot springs by the waterfall

Michaels salmon trying to get away!

He was really slippery!
These cabins fell down the hill in Baranof
Ride home

Lake Baranof

Michaels trout

Native Dancers

Jo and I went to see the native dancers one day. One of the dancers is a friend that I walk with on Wednesdays for the woman's walk at Totem Pole Park. They taught us how to say a word in Tinglit and after practicing it for a few times, then she told us it meant "Poor Baby" LOL   Jo went down on the floor at one point and danced the exit dance with them by the fire. I think she is a natural. She told me to go dance with them and she would take my picture, I told her she could go dance and I would take her picture. hahha I won. The colors and costumes were beautiful. Very nice show they put on although Jo and I thought all the songs sounded the same. lol

Story of the raven

Jo in the exit dance

Round and round we go!

Exit stage left!

Jo and Clara

Try and pronounce that one! LOL

Friday, July 5, 2013

4th of July in Sitka

Well I must say this was the most fun I have had in awhile on the fourth of July. Michaels mom Jo is here for a visit so it was fun to take her out for the day. There was a fundraiser down at the elementary school with booths for the kids, games etc and all the junk food you could eat. I think we ate more lumpia then we ever have. Delicious! The chicken adobo  was great too. Not sure if I spelled either of those correct but they tasted really good. LOL They had the fire works show the night before and they didn't start until 11:30 pm because that is when it is dark. lol  Between the show the city did and all of the private sector fire works it was quite an exhibit. I had a hard time looking in all the directions in the sky that were being lit up! There was the biggest parade I have seen so far here in Sitka but the high lite of the day for me was the water fight between the Sitka Fire Fighters and the Sitka Coast Guards, We were all pretty wet after the water fight as they felt like the audience was to dry. The kids all loved it!

Michael wants one of these! Expensive!

Michelle works with Michael and is a volunteer firefighter, she is the one on the right. lol

Trying to get the water flowing!

Fire Fighters put a rag in the end to plug the Coasties hose!

This was soap they bombed them with

Then it came our way!

The object was to get the barrel down the street, Coast Guard won in the final count

Yes he got us too! LOL