Thursday, April 18, 2013

Juneau Costco Run

So we decided the truck needed some exercise so we took a fast ferry over to Juneau for a couple of days. The fast ferry runs from  Sitka to Juneau only in the summer months and the trip takes 4 1/2 hours compared to the regular Ferry that takes 10. It was a fabulous ride over and Michael even got a bit of a sunburn on his face as we sat out on the back deck the entire time over. Monday we had fabulous weather all day so we did our site seeing. We drove to the end of the road for Juneau which is 40 miles each way. The truck actually got to go 55 mph! Their bears are out now so we were on the lookout all the way. Never saw any. Went and saw the Glacier. It was beautiful with the sun hitting it making the blue hues. 
Went downtown for the evening and did some appetizer bar hopping. Had some great stuff potato skins at the Red Dog Saloon and fried Brussels sprouts at the Imperial which were awesome! No breading on them just fried. Yummy. Had the best halibut chunks ever at The Sandbar , twice!
Tuesday we shopped till we dropped! Costco, Fred Meyers, Walmart and 3 sporting goods for ammo.
Fair Weather fast ferry

On we go!

Where we park

Looking down from deck as the engines start

Full speed ahead!

Beautiful day!

Quite a trail we are leaving

Kickin back on deck

No bears behind me right?

All the way to the end of the road


Cool huh, the sun makes it blue     Beautiful!


Costco, Walmart, Fred Meyers, this does not show what was in the 2 ice chests

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