Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!
Lot's of rain here today. Michael and I actually went out and worked the truck out for a bit. With only about 11 miles from one end to the other of Sitka the poor truck never gets to go very fast. LOL
This is the harbor 3 blocks from our apartment.
Daylight is lasting longer each day. If it was not cloudy it would probably be light till 5:15 or so right now. We are gaining about 5 min per day right now. Once in awhile the sun peaks through the clods and you can see how much snow is on the mountains behind us. Still beautiful-still loving it!
The bottom photo is of the mountains we can see out our back door. Not sure what it is called. We have watched the snow get thicker on it over the past months.

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