Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mosquito Cove

See the whale blows at the back?

Para Gliders hike up to the top and glide down

Pretty moon the other night
So I know you all felt sorry for me when I told you about our hike up "THE STAIRS"  last week and that it basically took me a week to recover. So Michael looks up this 1.3 mile hike that only goes up 100 feet in elevation. Ok I can handle this. So off we go down the end of the road where we got off the ferry. We park, walk into the park as it is closed right now. Very pretty, there is a tree that has fallen and is resting over the road so we both quickly run under and past it, just in case. Walk down to the parking lot where the trail head starts. Come around the corner and low and behold the trail starts with, you guessed it, STAIRS!!!!! NOOOOOOO! my mind is saying. I stop, look up and tell myself, you can do it, like the little train that could. Up Up we went then some down then some up and down we go. Then we hear a noise like a huffing and puffing and we both think BEAR! Realizing it was not we make it to the cove where there are 3 whales putting across the cove. I wanted to get a better shot so off I go practically running to get a better view point. I ran one way, the whales went the other way. :(  We also heard something barking in the water but never saw what that was. Oh well, I always have another day.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Another beautiful day in Sitka 2/18/13

These are all photos I took as we were walking in town. The sun had made an entrance and we were taking full advantage of it. Michael is pointing to the Lighthouse he wants to buy. I think last we looked it was around $699,000, And you need the boat to get there! The ravens are crazy! Our version of the Golden Gate Bridge, and Michael riding the canon at the Fort.

Stairmaster from hell! 2/18/2013

Went right up the street from us to the trail. When you get to the first split of the trail you can go right or left,,,,,or up........We went up. It is Wednesday night and I have finally given up and have the heating pad set up on my calves. I haven't hurt this bad in a ling time. This hike was beautiful but brutal! We are not sure we ever made it to the lookout but we went from sea level to 1412 feet. Took me an hour and a half. We finally turned around when we met up with a hiker coming down and her pants were wet up to her knees. We had hit snow already but she told us it got up to about 2 feet deep. We were not prepared for that!  I am pointing to where we hiked to. Yikes!

Thimbleberry Lake & Heart Lake

Went up to Thimbleberry Lake and Heart Lake on Sunday. Watched this poor woman fall in the creek coming down the hill. Was surprised she didn't come out of the water faster than she did. I was taking a picture of Michael and the time and their dog came up to me and as I was putting my camera down I turned and me and the dog were nose to nose! Michael saw it coming but didn't want to move and ruin my picture. LOL Thanks Honey! The trees get the weirdest things growing on them too. Look like mushrooms but they are hard and you can't just break them off. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!
Lot's of rain here today. Michael and I actually went out and worked the truck out for a bit. With only about 11 miles from one end to the other of Sitka the poor truck never gets to go very fast. LOL
This is the harbor 3 blocks from our apartment.
Daylight is lasting longer each day. If it was not cloudy it would probably be light till 5:15 or so right now. We are gaining about 5 min per day right now. Once in awhile the sun peaks through the clods and you can see how much snow is on the mountains behind us. Still beautiful-still loving it!
The bottom photo is of the mountains we can see out our back door. Not sure what it is called. We have watched the snow get thicker on it over the past months.

Monday, February 11, 2013


Really nice walk yesterday up to Cascade Creek. Ended up walking about 7 1/2 miles. Everywhere we go we are in awe of the beautiful place we live.  amazed at the beauty.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Warm Bodies

Went and saw Warm Bodies tonight. It was hysterical! I highly recommend it to all of you Zombie lovers!
Thought I'd throw in a picture from the ferry ride to Sitka. LOL


Michael and I went on a beautiful walk today. The path starts just up the street from us and it is lined with wood planks that take you thought the woods on you stay out of the mud. It is a really nice path and they do a great job keeping it nice with gravel and planks. This clearing we stopped at is called a Muskeg. We would normally think of it as a meadow but it is actually a swamp if you tried to walk through it. Most people will walk along the edge of it so not to sink. The mountains behind Michael are "The Sisters" beautifully all covered in snow. The sun did peek through today which made it an even nicer hike. It's 45 today, cloudy but no rain so far. I'm going to the movies tonite to see Warm Bodies. I'll update with a review.