Monday, February 1, 2016

Our little Piece of Heaven

Mt. Annahootz
So there is a reason our Doctors in Sitka tells us every year before winter to start taking 2000mg of vitamin D. It's because there is not much daylight during the winter, let alone seeing the actual sun that people see in other parts of the world. Yesterday Weather Underground told us it was going to be sunny, all day! It lied. It was all good though. We had decided we would go put out our longline in hopes of pulling up some halibut. We started heading out to our secret halibut hole but I found the rolling swells out in the sound to much for my comfort level. I guess Michael noticed me clenching my seat and thought better of taking me out into the abyss. So he turned us around and we putted through the harbor and went back into Naquasina Sound. Actually ended up being sunny and had pockets of fog that made for some beautiful sites. We did see some whales but they played hard to get and we got tired of trying to figure out where they were going to pop up. Michael is always worried they will come up right under the boat. LOL That's why I always wear my life jacket! Man I love this place!
Ducks enjoying the sun

Working on the new dock

Which way do I go? 

Mount Anahootz (not sure of spelling)- some call it The Matterhorn

Look at the sun on my face!

Cool fog

I love reflections in the water

Remember to always wear your life jacket!

Heading back to Town up Olga Straight

Not sure what this whale was doing

Up for a bit of air

Then down for the count

Coming back to town

snow on our peaks

Pretty some kind of birds

Don't see this every day

This was a stand up jet ski- wish he would have been standing-water 45 degrees

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