Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Alaska Day in Sitka 2014

Another Alaska day in Sitka and as we enjoy all of the festivities of the day it always amazes me that we are the only town that does a celebration. We had a great parade this year and up on Castle Hill they reenact the sale of Sitka from the Russians to the US. Lots of folks dress in period costumes and it is fun to watch. The Sitka Coast Guard put on an awesome helicopter demonstration out at O'Connell Bridge that included them putting a swimmer in the water , bbrrr, and then the rescue. Very cool to watch so close. Always nice to see the town turn out for all the fun!
Ribbon cutting for the renovated Science Center

Beautiful Day for Alaska Day

Tea and cookies at the Bishop's House

Dressing in old times

Army band came to town


Beautiful Dresses

Our Roller Derby Gals

Smoky the Bear always comes for our parade

As does the Chinese Dragon

Our State Troopers

Alaska Airlines brought a float for the first time 

My friend Keturah is a dance teacher 

The girls did Singing in the rain

I love it when the Seattle Firefighters Bag Pipe band comes to town

Getting ready to change out the flags

Castle Hill Guards

Coast Guard demo

Right in the middle a boat decided to go past the Helicopter 

Rescue in the basket

Down goes the swimmer

Up our rescued person goes

Finishing off Alaska Day with Champagne at the Pioneer "P" bar

Quite a unique locals bar.  Lots of old photos on the walls Bad part is they allow smoking 

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