Tuesday, June 10, 2014

22nd Wedding Anniversary

Michael and I went to Lake Eva again this year for our anniversary. This is by far our favorite cabin so far. We arrived Friday afternoon via Harris Air, flown by John in the beaver. We landed at the cabin at about 4pm. I hoped out of the plane and Michael told me to go check the cabin to make sure everything was ok and no bears had gotten in. To my surprise there was a beautiful bouquet of a dozen red roses for the love and passion we share and 5 tie dyed roses for the fun we have. How sneaky Michael and John were to do this for me. John flew the flowers over on Thursday so they would be there when I arrived. Thanks John! and thank you to my wonderful husband that I love more than words can say!

We had some nice weather but mostly it rained. We had taken our rain gear and weren't afraid to use it. lol
Michael caught a couple of cut throat's that we had for dinner one night. They look like trout and taste like it also. We hiked to the beach via the Lake Eva trail. It's a nice hike and we fished the river on the way there. I finally caught a fish but it was to small so we threw it back. Michael had caught a small one that did not survive the removing of the hook and as it's little body was floating down river, right in front of us, an Eagle swooped down and scooped that little fish right out of the water. The circle of life seen first hand!

We had a wonderful weekend and I look forward to many more adventures with my wonderful husband!
My beautiful flowers!

Boating with my hubby

This was a drawing in the cabin log book,  beautiful

Enjoying a fire, day 1

Beautiful evening

We had another float plane land on our lake and fish

One of Michael's fish

More boating

Out on the lake

Fishing up river

He got kind of wet trying to cross this to save his lure. He saved it. 

hahaha the one the eagle got

Hike to the beach

This is how.........

Michael washes.......

Frying pans at Lake Eva! hahahaha

We actually got a fire with no rain

Inside the cabin next 3 photos

You have to bring everything including fuel for the heater

and water.  But it is nice a cozy!

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