Sunday, March 30, 2014

Final Herring Run of the Season

Well they did it. It's over for the season. They took about 16,333 tons of herring this year. The females get taken for their roe  to send to Japan to make sushi I am told. The males are used for bait. Some people eat the fish, an average size is 180 grams. Some fishermen put spruce branches out in the water and the herring spawn in the branches so the eggs can be captured to eat. Not me! Yuck! After the processors are all done, all the boats that came from other places will go on to their next fishing adventure or home. Sitka will do a blessing of the fleet today. May everyone out there be safe.
Elementary school kids got a field trip to see the boats 

Spotter planes go up to scout out where the Herring are

On your mark

Get set


Nets out

Then try not to run each other over! haha

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