Sunday, February 16, 2014

Snowy Day

So I was sitting here last night, watching the Olympics and doing chores. I had closed the curtains when it got dark as usual because I don't like feeling like I'm in a fish bowl, as my mother would say. I came out of our bedroom and looked over out the window in our second bedroom. That's funny, I thought, that tree looks really white. I walked over to look out and to my surprise it was snowing, really hard! haha It had just been raining earlier in the day and we had gone and cleaned all of the snow off the boat the day before and welcomed the rain to finish the job. Needless to say we again went down today to clean about 6-8 inches of snow off the boat. My inner child came out today also. With all this snow, what could I do but build a snowman! Michael scooped up the pile of snow for me to start with the body and rolled my middle body and head. There is always a little bit of child in all of us!What a place we live in!
Surprise, it's snowing!

Tree I noticed was white out the window

Front yard

Our driveway

If you walk up our street you are at Gavan Trail

If you walk down the street you end up at the marina and town

Me and Virgil, he just looked like a Virgil  Haha

Michael and Virgil

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