Tuesday, November 12, 2013

1 Year in Sitka!

Wow, time fly's when you are having fun! Hard to believe we have been here a year already! I never thought in my wildest dreams Michael and I would ever live someplace so beautiful. As you have seen over the past year we have done some pretty amazing things and seen even more. I feel so lucky to be on this adventure with the love of my life and my best friend.
It started on a ferry
Thru the inland passage
We hike
We explore
We found Mosquito Coves beauty
We have Volcanoes and bridges
and snowy days
We have beautiful wild life

And cute ones too
We discovered Lake Eva, our favorite remote cabin
But we also travel afar to discover more cabins
Always looking for more
We have gifts from friends far away
and far away family that came to play 

Sitka is our home now and we are no longer called Chicharoo's, we are now called sourdough's as we have been through a winter. We are now residents, we are Alaska! I look forward to the next year and hope you all enjoy the next year of our great adventure!

1 comment:

  1. It has been fun watching your adventures through the year. Both Ely and I love looking at the blog.
