Saturday, October 12, 2013

Kayak Races

Alaska Days festivities has officially started today! The festival runs through the 19th with tons of activities for the young and older. I started it off going down our street to Swan Lake to catch the oh so exciting kayak race. There were 4 categories. Adult, high school, middle school and elementary. Of course the adults won but when you only have 5 boats racing seems like the adults can run away with it. Lasted about 15 minutes but was fun to watch. I bought my festival pin to wear because apparently if you're not wearing one folks can pinch you. Haha  wait till Michael gets home!
Beautiful start to the day

And their off!

The leaders

1st & 2nd place

she was cute 3rd place

4th place

And bringing in the rear. haha

Festival police

I bought my pin from her so I won't get pinched, unless I want to be! hahahaha

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