Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mosquito Cove

See the whale blows at the back?

Para Gliders hike up to the top and glide down

Pretty moon the other night
So I know you all felt sorry for me when I told you about our hike up "THE STAIRS"  last week and that it basically took me a week to recover. So Michael looks up this 1.3 mile hike that only goes up 100 feet in elevation. Ok I can handle this. So off we go down the end of the road where we got off the ferry. We park, walk into the park as it is closed right now. Very pretty, there is a tree that has fallen and is resting over the road so we both quickly run under and past it, just in case. Walk down to the parking lot where the trail head starts. Come around the corner and low and behold the trail starts with, you guessed it, STAIRS!!!!! NOOOOOOO! my mind is saying. I stop, look up and tell myself, you can do it, like the little train that could. Up Up we went then some down then some up and down we go. Then we hear a noise like a huffing and puffing and we both think BEAR! Realizing it was not we make it to the cove where there are 3 whales putting across the cove. I wanted to get a better shot so off I go practically running to get a better view point. I ran one way, the whales went the other way. :(  We also heard something barking in the water but never saw what that was. Oh well, I always have another day.

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