Monday, August 29, 2016

Beaver Tour for Dad's Birthday

Miles and Kathy came for a visit this summer.After showing them everything here in Sitka by land Michael set up a flight with John at Harris Air for a Float plane tour. It was a beautiful day for a ride in the Beaver. He headed out and went over Nakwasina Sound where we could check out our crab pots. We headed through the pass and landed on Rosenberg Lake. Spent some time exploring the area before taking off again. John showed us some beautiful sites along our route back to town. I had no idea we had glaciers on our island. What a treat to see. He took us past the highest peak which was spectacular. To be able to see the Ocean past the mountain ranges was awesome! You don't realize how many lakes are around until you see our Island from an Airplane! Thanks John @ Harris Air for a wonderful and memorable tour of this place we love and call home!

Happy Birthday Dad! Love M&M
Off we go!

Out over Sitka Sound

One of many Islands in the Sound

looking into Olga Straight

Landing on Rosenberg Lake

Mom-in-Law and her
 dog Kisska getting help from John

On the beach at Rosenberg

Beautiful surroundings

Looking good!

Beautiful Glacier

Michael got a great shot of the goats up high

We were so close!

Love the blue!

Water fall out of the glacier

a bit our of focus but still cool to see