Friday, December 11, 2015

Simple little pleasures

So winter is upon us here is Sitka and sometimes you have to be creative to entertain ones self. I had kept the truck today while Michael was working and I thought to myself, self, what would you like to do today? You have a vehicle and 14 miles of open road! So I hopped in the truck with my camera and drove to the end of the road into the Silver Bay area. I stopped in to see what I could see in Whale Park and did take one photo but didn't see any whales. I continued down the road stopping a couple of places to take photos. Onward to the end not knowing what I'll see on my adventure. Got to the parking lot of the Beaver Lake trail and what should I see? I could not believe my eye's! Was I in Sitka or did I secretly travel to Hawaii because walking up the road in front of me was a chicken! Yes, a chicken! Not sure how it got there or why but I bet it was glad the bears are hibernating! I giggled , took his picture and went on my way. Drove down to the other end of the road to Starrygavin. Thought I saw a bear but turned out to be a log. Or it was a really still bear. LOL  
Started to head back to town and made one last stop at Sandy Beach. To my amazement and surprise there were two guys out on surf boards. Surf is never really "UP" in Sitka but they were having fun. So as I end my day I reflect on what a beautiful place we live and how lucky we are to be able to enjoy it's beauty every day.

Pretty moon coming up

Lonely boat out by Whale Park

This duck wanted nothing to do with me lol

Mountains in Silver Bay

Silver Bay

End of the road at the Beaver Lake trail

What?? a chicken at the end of the road!

Little waterfall by the side of the road

Eagles just hanging out

A secret passage. hahaha

Tidal flat at Starrygavin

Tidal flat

Yes we have these guys also

Different view of the tidal flat at Starrygavin

This river ends at the Ocean at the State Recreation area

You can cross this bridge and see more of the park

Surf's up!

Really, surf's up! LOL

I stopped at Sandy Beach- this looks to town

And there is is!